
Reid Ferguson

Sep 19, 2024

From Joshua 1:2

It is an old Bible teacher’s quippy yarn that when you encounter the word “therefore” in the text, you should look above it to see what it is there for. It’s not exactly a hermeneutical principle, but it is worth considering in that it does indicate some kind of conclusion based on what came before. In this case, the sentence that starts this verse, is the necessary precursor to the command contained in the second sentence. “Moses my servant is dead – THEREFORE.”

Like the shift between the Old Judaic and the New covenants – the overall plan remains the same, but there is a vast difference in how things will work from a certain point on out. Failing to recognize these shifts always ends in confusion. And even within the covenants, shifts take place, like this one.

Moses’ ministry was focused on two things: 1 – Seeing the Israelites delivered from slavery in Egypt (a wonderful type of the Believer being delivered from the bondage of sin and the World.) 2 – Keeping God’s people in their wilderness wandering while communicating God’s will concerning how they were to conduct themselves in the World as His peculiar people.

That era, was now at an end.

The next era is all about conquering. Again, a wonderful type for the New Covenant Believer as we engage the perpetual battle against the remnants of indwelling sin.

Even then, will come even another era – truly inhabiting the land. A call and a warning to we under the New Covenant regarding standing fast in all Christ has delivered unto us so far. (Eph. 6:10-18)

Now back to our immediate text, it is interesting to note again the wording in vs. 2 – “therefore”.

Moses needed to pass off the scene before Joshua could lead Israel in conquest. And it is only until the issue of the Law is settled in Christ that we can actually begin the work of routing out the inhabitants of indwelling sin. If we try to do it BY the Law, we will fail. We will live in bondage. We must enter into the new era, the New Covenant, if we would have what that covenant promises.

The Christian life doesn’t stop at our initial deliverance – it only begins there.

Entering this beginning of our inheritance requires reliance on the Word already delivered to us, and then fresh, daily dependence upon the indwelling Holy Spirit to continually draw us to Christ and form His image in us progressively. Taking on and living out more and more of His own character as sons of God ourselves.

So the lesson here for us is this: Therefore, Moses my servant is dead – The Law covenant is dead. We do not live under it any longer. Moses was a great type of Christ as deliverer, but now we look to Him as our general, leading us into battle with sin. He is our Joshua too. He goes before us. He is fearless. He is undaunted by how cunning, pestiferous, many or frightening our sins might be. He knows well there are giants in this land. He has taken up the charge of leading us into all the Father has promised us. And He will not, He cannot fail. If we will follow and fight along side Him, He will bring us into victory. The days and campaigns may be long and hard – but victory is assured. Christ, is our Lord.