The Strength of Waiting on the Lord

But what does it mean to wait on Him?

Moe Bergeron / Oct 4, 2024

"But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31, BSB).

This beautiful verse from Isaiah offers a promise to every believer, especially to those who feel tired, worn out, or discouraged. It speaks to the heart of anyone who has ever felt the weight of life's demands or struggled to carry on. The promise isn't merely for the strong or for those who seem to have it all together. It’s for the weak, the weary, and the ones who know they can't move forward in their own strength.

Notice the key action in this verse: waiting. 

The strength that God promises isn’t given to those who push ahead on their own, nor to those who try to carry every burden by themselves. It’s given to those who "wait upon the LORD." But what does it mean to wait on Him?

Waiting on the Lord is not passive. It’s an active trust in God’s timing, His power, and His purposes. It means turning our eyes away from our own strength, our own plans, and our own fears, and fixing them on God. It’s a posture of faith that says, “God, I trust You more than I trust myself. I believe Your promises, and I’m willing to rest in Your plan.”

He Renews our Strength

When we wait upon the Lord, something miraculous happens—He renews our strength. The word “renew” here in the original language means to exchange or to replace. God doesn’t just give us more of our old strength. He exchanges our weakness for His strength. Our exhaustion for His vitality. Our fear for His peace. It’s an exchange that only He can provide, and it’s one that happens as we wait on Him in faith.

The imagery of mounting up with wings like eagles is especially powerful. Eagles soar high above the earth, carried not by their own effort, but by the wind. In the same way, when we wait upon the Lord, He lifts us up. We are no longer striving in our own strength but are carried by His Spirit, able to rise above the difficulties that once weighed us down.

The verse continues with the promise that we will "run and not grow weary; walk and not faint." There are seasons in life when we feel the need to run—when life’s demands seem urgent and overwhelming. And there are other times when all we can manage is to walk, putting one foot in front of the other. In both cases, God promises to sustain us. Whether we are in a season of rapid change or slow progress, His strength will carry us through.

It’s important to remember that the Lord’s timing and ways are perfect, even when they don’t align with our own. Waiting on Him can be difficult, especially when we want immediate answers or quick solutions. But His plans for us are good, and He promises that as we wait on Him, He will give us what we need to continue—strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

If you’re feeling weary today, discouraged by life’s demands or disheartened by your own weakness, remember this: God’s strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9, BSB). He invites you to wait on Him, to trust in His timing, and to rest in His power. When you do, He will renew your strength in ways you never thought possible.

You don’t have to muster up the strength on your own. 

You don’t have to keep running until you collapse. Instead, wait upon the Lord. Let Him be your source of strength, and watch as He lifts you up, renews your heart, and empowers you to soar above your trials like an eagle on the wind.


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