Peddling God's Word

A Reflection on 2 Corinthians 2:17
Moe Bergeron

In our modern world, where the line between genuine faith and commercialism often blurs, the words of 2 Corinthians 2:17 ring with profound clarity and urgency:

"For we are not like so many others, who peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as men sent from God."

This verse, penned by the Apostle Paul, serves as a powerful reminder of the sacred responsibility that comes with sharing the Word of God. It calls us to examine our motives and methods in ministry, ensuring that they align with the purity and sincerity that God desires.

The Temptation of Profit

In Paul's time, much like today, there were individuals who saw the gospel as a means to personal gain. These "peddlers" of the Word were more concerned with their own profit than the spiritual well-being of their listeners. The temptation to turn ministry into a lucrative business is not new. It is a challenge that has persisted throughout the ages, manifesting in various forms from the selling of indulgences in medieval times to the commercialization of faith in modern media.

Speaking Before God with Sincerity

Paul contrasts this profit-driven approach with his own ministry, emphasizing sincerity and accountability to God. To speak "in Christ" is to speak with the authority and spirit of Christ, who was the epitome of selflessness and truth. As Christians, our words and actions should reflect the heart of Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

Speaking "before God" adds another layer of accountability. It reminds us that our ultimate audience is God Himself, who sees beyond outward appearances and into the depths of our hearts. Our message must be delivered with integrity, knowing that we are stewards of a divine trust.

Men Sent from God

Paul's declaration that he and his companions are "men sent from God" highlights the divine commission of every true minister of the gospel. This calling is not self-appointed but divinely ordained. It comes with the weight of representing God to the world, a responsibility that demands humility, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to the truth.

The Modern Context

In today's context, the challenge of maintaining the purity of the gospel is ever-present. The proliferation of social media and digital platforms has given rise to countless voices, each claiming to speak for God. While this democratization of communication can be a powerful tool for spreading the gospel, it also opens the door to those who might exploit it for personal gain.

As believers, we must be discerning. We should support and follow those who demonstrate a genuine commitment to the truth, who speak with sincerity and live out their faith with integrity. Our ministries, whether they are large organizations or small, personal endeavors, should reflect the heart of Christ and the apostolic dedication of Paul.


2 Corinthians 2:17 calls us to a higher standard. It challenges us to examine our motives, to speak with sincerity, and to remember that we are accountable to God for the words we share. In a world where the gospel can sometimes be commodified, let us strive to be true ambassadors of Christ, faithfully proclaiming His Word with integrity and love.

May we, like Paul, be known not as peddlers of the Word for profit, but as men and women sent from God, speaking with sincerity before God and in Christ.