Now That You Have Come to Jesus

An Action Plan to Follow Jesus Well

Moe Bergeron

When someone first comes to faith in Jesus Christ, they embark on a life-transforming journey. This new relationship is not just about accepting a belief system, but about embracing a Person, Jesus Himself. The Christian life is centered on knowing Him, growing in His likeness, and living out His teachings. It can be overwhelming at first, but Scripture and the example of mature believers provide a clear path for how to prioritize this new life in Christ.

As you begin this journey, it's essential to focus on certain key areas that will lay a strong foundation for your faith and growth. The following priorities are not simply tasks to complete but invitations to deepen your relationship with Christ and live a life that reflects Him. In everything, the goal is to Learn Christ, Study Christ, and ultimately Image Christ-because He is the center of your faith and the One who transforms you from the inside out.

Here are thirteen priorities, some of which are dependent on others, to guide you as you begin to follow Christ and walk in the newness of life He offers.

Learn Christ: The priority of learning who Christ is — His nature, teachings, and work of salvation. This involves understanding the gospel and His role as Savior and Lord. New believers should seek to grasp who Christ is through the Word of God.

Reading and Studying the Bible: Engaging with Scripture is essential. New believers should focus on reading the Bible with a Christ-centered lens, seeking to understand how the entire narrative of Scripture points to Jesus.

Study Christ: More than just reading the Bible, new believers should prioritize deepening their understanding of Christ by studying His life, His words, and His actions. This involves digging into Scripture and seeking Christ in every part of it.

Learning to Discern God's Will: Seeking to understand how Christ's life and teachings shape decisions and actions is crucial. This involves developing sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance in Christ-like ways.

Developing a Relationship with God through Prayer: Regular conversation with God is foundational. New believers should spend time in prayer to grow closer to Him.

Connect with a family of saved Christians, his Church: Being part of a Christ-centered community is crucial. The church provides a place for corporate worship, learning from mature believers, and mutual encouragement to grow in Christ-likeness.

Fostering Relationships with Other Believers: Surrounding oneself with fellow believers allows for mutual support, accountability, and encouragement in learning and reflecting Christ in daily life.

Understanding and Living Out the Gospel: Recognizing one's new identity in Christ is a priority. Living according to the gospel, embracing God's grace, and striving to walk as Christ walked is key.

Obeying God's Commands: New believers should seek to obey the commands of Christ, applying His teachings to their lives in a way that glorifies Him and bears witness to the world.

Image Christ: The ultimate goal of a Christ-follower is to reflect the image of Christ in all aspects of life. New believers are called to live in a way that demonstrates the character and love of Jesus, allowing others to see Christ in them.

Sharing Your Faith with Others: As believers learn and grow in Christ, they are called to share their faith and the message of salvation with others, participating in the Great Commission.

Cultivating a Heart of Worship: Christ is the object of worship. New believers should live lives that honor and glorify Him, thanking Him for His grace and lordship over all creation.

Practicing Forgiveness and Grace: Understanding Christ's sacrifice on the cross enables believers to forgive others and extend grace, reflecting Christ's love.

As you begin this incredible journey of following Christ, remember that your relationship with Him is the foundation of everything. Above all, nurture a deep and abiding love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is this love that will sustain and strengthen you as you face the challenges of the world and the darkness of evil that still exists around you. The more you love Him, the more you will be transformed by His presence, empowered by His Spirit, and guided by His Word.

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Your love for Christ will help you stand firm in your faith, even when the world seems overwhelming. It will remind you of the One who has already overcome the world and will equip you to live in victory over sin, fear, and temptation. Christ's love is perfect, unfailing, and more powerful than anything you will encounter. In His love, you will find the strength, courage, and peace to walk faithfully through life's trials.

Most of all, be much in love with God and His Christ. Let this love fill your heart, overflow into every area of your life, and be your greatest source of hope and joy. As you deepen your relationship with Him, you will find that no matter what comes your way, He is enough. His love will hold you, shape you, and empower you to live as His disciple in a world that desperately needs to see the love of Christ lived out.

Friend, hold fast to Him, love Him with all your heart, and let this relationship be the anchor of your soul as you grow in grace and truth.


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