The Way of the Spirit

"I will put my laws in their minds,
and write them on their hearts"
(Jeremiah 31:33)

Moe Bergeron

The Way of the Spirit is not the way back to the Law (the Letter) because the New Covenant in Christ is fundamentally different from the Old Covenant established at Sinai. The Old Covenant, based on the Law, focused on external commands written on stone, while the New Covenant, mediated by the Holy Spirit, writes God’s will directly on the hearts of believers. This shift in focus from the external letter to the internal transformation by the Spirit is key to understanding why returning to the Law is not the way forward for believers.

In summary, the Way of the Spirit is the way of life, freedom, and transformation in Christ. It is not a return to the Law, which could only condemn and expose sin. The Spirit brings a new, internal reality where believers, united with Christ, are empowered to live out God’s will in a way that fulfills the Law’s righteous requirements, not by the letter, but by the Spirit’s power and grace.


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