Eighteen Things to Pray for this Sunday
Sam Katchikian

Over the last few years, my prayer life has been enriched by regularly using Jonathan Leeman’s list of supplications to intercede for the flock under my care. This tool has been an invaluable resource, allowing me to prioritize the gospel over the tendency to default to generic prayer requests that can sometimes lack deep gratitude for my church. Paul's familiar exhortation to the Philippians rings true for our prayer lives today: “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Phil. 2:4).

Inspired by Leeman’s list, I’ve prepared 18 specific things to pray for this Sunday as we consider our place in the body of Christ. I compiled this primarily for my own church family, with the conviction that part of my role as a faithful shepherd is to teach my congregation how to pray. I also hope to model a habit of prayer that considers the significance of the Lord’s Day gathering—the 'main event' of the week for the church. Some of these requests are drawn from books I’ve read on ecclesiology (specifically corporate worship), while others come from conversations with fellow believers. They represent the most pressing needs that came to mind as I put pen to paper.

Feel free to adopt as many of these items as you see fit, and use them in your own prayer life this week as you prepare for Sunday. Who knows what our sovereign God may be pleased to accomplish in our churches for His glory if we approach the Lord’s Day with prayerful anticipation?


May God graciously hear and answer these prayers as we gather to worship Him this Sunday.

Read Jonathan Leeman's 18 Reasons