Why We Exist

The Purpose for Learn Christ

Moe Bergeron

Welcome to Learn Christ, a blog dedicated to exploring the depth, beauty, and transformative power of knowing and following Jesus Christ. Rooted in the truths of Scripture and driven by a passion for theology, this space exists to help believers and seekers alike deepen their understanding of the gospel and its life-changing implications.

Who We Are

My name is Moe Bergeron, and for years I have been passionate about studying and sharing the truths of Scripture. After years of writing on various topics under the name “Moe’s Odds & Ends,” I’ve come to realize that what truly defines our writing is a desire to help others see Christ more clearly through the lens of God’s Word. Thus, Learn Christ was born—a space fully dedicated to theological reflection and spiritual growth centered on Jesus Christ.

Along the way, we have been blessed to work with various contributors and theological resources to shape the articles and reflections you’ll find here. We believe that sound doctrine and practical application go hand in hand, and my goal is to present theology not as an abstract discipline, but as something that draws us closer to the heart of Christ. (You may submit additional content provided it compliments our mission.) 

Our Purpose

At Learn Christ, we believe that the pursuit of knowing Christ is a lifelong journey—one that encompasses not just intellectual study but personal growth, transformation, and faithful living. The apostle Paul speaks of this pursuit in Ephesians 4:20-21: “But that is not the way you learned Christ!—assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus.” This verse embodies our mission: to learn Christ as He reveals Himself in the Scriptures, to grow in wisdom and understanding, and to live out the truths of the gospel in a world in need of grace.

Theological Foundations

Our approach is deeply rooted in the belief that Jesus is the focal point and fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan, and through Him, all of Scripture finds its meaning and purpose. In Christ, we are invited into the New Covenant, where we experience the full blessings of salvation, the ongoing renewal of the Holy Spirit, and the transformative power of living in relationship with Him. 

Whether you are exploring foundational theological topics, looking for deeper insights into the covenants, or seeking practical reflections on the Christian life, Learn Christ offers content that is both doctrinally rich and spiritually edifying.

Join the Journey

Whether you're a seasoned theologian or someone just beginning to explore the Christian faith, we invite you to join the journey of learning Christ with me. Together, we can dig deeper into Scripture, wrestle with tough questions, and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

Stay connected by subscribing to updates, and feel free to engage in the conversation—whether through comments, questions, or shared insights. My hope and prayer is that Learn Christ will be a place where you not only encounter biblical truth but also find encouragement and challenge for your own walk with the Lord.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.
    Moe Bergeron