Fecthing a Wife for Isaac

Lessons from Abraham’s Servant

Moe Bergerom

The story of Abraham sending his servant to find a wife for Isaac, found in Genesis 24, offers an example of how we are to bring people to Christ. As we explore this narrative, let us draw spiritual principles that can guide us in our evangelistic efforts, much like the late John G. Reisinger would elucidate with clarity and warmth.

1. A Heart for the Future: Abraham’s Concern (Genesis 24:1-9)

Abraham, advanced in years and blessed in all things, was deeply concerned about the future of his son, Isaac. He called his trusted servant and made him swear an oath to find a wife for Isaac not from the Canaanites, but from his own relatives. This was a matter of spiritual integrity and faithfulness.

Point! Just as Abraham was concerned about Isaac’s future, we must be concerned about the spiritual futures of those around us. Our mission is to guide them towards a relationship with Christ, ensuring they are not led astray by the ways of the world.

2. Obedience and Preparation: The Servant’s Journey (Genesis 24:10-14)

Abraham’s servant embarked on his journey with careful preparation, taking gifts and provisions. More importantly, he sought God’s guidance through prayer, asking for success and a clear sign.

Point! In our mission to bring people to Christ, preparation is key. Equip yourself with the knowledge of the Gospel and rely on the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, bathe your efforts in prayer, seeking God’s guidance and blessing.

3. Divine Appointment: Encountering Rebekah (Genesis 24:15-28)

As the servant arrived at the well, Rebekah appeared, fulfilling the exact sign he had prayed for. This was no coincidence but a divine appointment orchestrated by God.

Point! Trust in God’s sovereignty. He arranges divine appointments, guiding us to those ready to hear and accept the Gospel. Be attentive and obedient, for God will lead you to the right people at the right time.

4. Testimony and Invitation: Sharing the Story (Genesis 24:29-49)

The servant was welcomed into Rebekah’s home, where he shared the entire story of his mission, testifying to God’s faithfulness and guidance.

Point! Share your testimony with sincerity. Personal stories of God’s work in your life can powerfully illustrate His love and faithfulness. Be genuine and transparent, making the Gospel relatable and compelling.

5. Decision and Celebration: Rebekah’s Response (Genesis 24:50-67)

Rebekah’s family recognized God’s hand in the matter and agreed to the marriage. Rebekah herself willingly followed the servant to meet Isaac, leading to their union.

Point! After sharing the Gospel, invite a clear response. People need the opportunity to accept Christ and make a commitment. Celebrate their decision and support them in their new journey of faith.


The narrative of Abraham’s servant offers us a beautiful blueprint for evangelism. Show concern for the spiritual well-being of others, prepare diligently, trust in God’s guidance, share your testimony, invite a response, and celebrate each step of faith. By following these principles, we can effectively bring people to Christ and support them as they grow in their faith.

Let us, like Abraham’s servant, embark on our mission with prayerful hearts, prepared minds, and a steadfast trust in God’s providence, knowing that He will lead us to those He has prepared to receive the Good News.