The Rule of Grace
and the Call of Christ

Indicatives and Imperatives in the New Covenant

Moe Bergeron

One of the truths of the New Covenant is that we, as saints, are not under the rule of Sinai’s Law. Christ, in His perfect fulfillment of the Law, has liberated us from its yoke (Romans 7:6). We now live under the rule of grace (Romans 6:14). Yet, this truth does not imply that believers in Christ are without direction or command. The New Covenant, established by Christ’s blood, comes with its own indicatives and imperatives—statements of who we are in Christ and commands of how we are to live as His people...[read the full article]

The Fallacy of Christian Nationalism

A Call to the True Kingdom

Moe Bergeron

Of late, Christian nationalism has emerged as a movement that attempts to merge Christian identity with national identity, advocating for a society governed by laws that reflect a specific interpretation of Christian values. Alongside this, theonomy—the belief that civil government should be based on God’s law—has also found renewed support. Both of these ideologies, while seemingly well-intentioned, are deeply flawed and contrary to the teachings of Christ. At their core... [read the full article]

Saving Souls

Moe Bergeron

When Paul and Silas preached the gospel, it disturbed not only the spiritual status quo but also the material interests of those who profited from sin. This is why their message was met with such violent opposition, especially from those who had something to lose. The resistance wasn’t just about theology; it was about profit and power. In Thessalonica, jealousy drove...  [read the full article]

Now That You
Have Come to Jesus

An Action Plan to Follow Jesus Well

Moe Bergeron

When someone first comes to faith in Jesus Christ, they embark on a life-transforming journey. This new relationship is not just about accepting a belief system, but about embracing a Person, Jesus Himself. The Christian life is centered on knowing Him, growing in His likeness, and living out His teachings. It can be overwhelming at first, but Scripture and the example of mature believers provide a clear path for how to prioritize this new life in Christ. As you begin this journey...[read the full article]

The Promise of a
New Heart and Spirit

Moe Bergeron

The concept of the "new creation" in the New Testament is not just a standalone idea but is deeply rooted in the promises God made in the Old Testament. These ancient promises spoke of a time when God would do something radically new in the lives of His people—a time when He would not only change their hearts but also dwell within them by His Spirit, bringing about a profound transformation. In the Old Testament, God, through the prophet Ezekiel, declared..." [read the full article]

Change the Narrative

Ken Beaton

Life is unpredictable, filled with moments that shake us to our core. The Bible, in its divine wisdom, doesn’t shy away from portraying these raw and real experiences. One such moment is captured in 1 Samuel 30, where David and his men returned to Ziklag only to find their homes destroyed and their families taken captive by the Amalekites. "When David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid... [read the full article]

The Heartbeat of Soul Winning

Moe Bergeron

When we speak of soul winning, we speak of the great commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ, who commands us, "Go into all the world amd preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). The essence of soul winning lies in the love of Christ that compels us. Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 remind us, "For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that One died for all, therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised again." Our motivation is not... [read the full article]

The Whole Counsel of God

Ken Beaton

As I journey through the Scriptures, Acts 20:20 and 27 stand out as sobering reminders, especially for those called to preach and teach God's Word. Paul’s words to the Ephesian elders weigh heavily on my heart. He declared, "I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable and teaching you publicly and from house to house" (Acts 20:20, NASB), and again, "For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God" (Acts 20:27, NASB). These verses carry an immense responsibility for anyone who handles the Word of God: we are to hold nothing back. Paul's example is clear... [read more]

The Promise of a
New Heart and Spirit

Moe Bergeron

The concept of the "new creation" in the New Testament is not just a standalone idea but is deeply rooted in the promises God made in the Old Testament. These ancient promises spoke of a time when God would do something radically new in the lives of His people—a time when He would not only change their hearts but also dwell within them by His Spirit, bringing about a profound transformation. In the Old Testament, God, through the prophet Ezekiel, declared..." [read the full article]

From Saul to Paul

Ken Beaton

Acts 9 opens with a striking image of Saul, a man consumed with anger and hatred, "breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord." He was on a mission, armed with letters from the high priest, authorizing him to arrest any followers of "the Way" he found in Damascus and bring them back to Jerusalem in shackles. Saul was relentless in his persecution, a man determined to crush the early church. But as Saul traveled toward Damascus, something miraculous happened. A light from heaven suddenly flashed around him, and in that moment, everything changed.... [read the full article]

The Missing Warmth

Moe Bergeron

There is a growing concern among many believers today: the lack of warmth and genuine heartstirring content in much of our Christian literature. Whether theological works or simple blog posts, the words often feel sterile, detached, and devoid of the life-giving warmth that should characterize anything written in the name of Christ. This is troubling because the message of the gospel is not just a set of doctrines to be analyzed—it is the living truth of God that should penetrate our hearts...[read the full article]

The Danger Within

Moe Bergeron

One of the most sobering truths in Scripture is that not all who speak in the name of God do so with pure hearts or sound doctrine. Some of the most dangerous people misusing God’s Word are found not in the world at large, but within our churches. This is a reality that calls for discernment and vigilance among believers, as the consequences of such misuse can lead many astray. [read more]