Psalm 82

God's Righteous Judgment



Psalm 82 presents a dramatic scene of God presiding in the divine assembly, pronouncing judgment against unjust rulers. It calls attention to the plight of the weak and the marginalized, and anticipates the arrival of the ultimate righteous Judge and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Section 1: God's Judgment on Unjust Rulers (vs. 1-4)

"God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah. Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”


God's judgment of unjust rulers brings to mind Jesus' criticism of the religious leaders of His time for their injustice (Matthew 23:23). Furthermore, Jesus' teachings and actions demonstrate His commitment to justice for the weak and marginalized (Luke 4:18-19).

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Section 2: God's Condemnation of the Unjust (vs. 5-7)

"They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like men, and fall like any prince.”


The depiction of unjust rulers "walking about in darkness" resonates with the New Testament theme of spiritual blindness and darkness (John 9:39-41). Jesus comes as the Light of the world, guiding people out of this darkness into the truth (John 8:12).

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Section 3: A Plea for God's Intervention (Vs. 8)

"Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!"


The plea for God's righteous judgment finds its ultimate answer in Jesus, who is given all authority to judge because He is the Son of Man (John 5:27). Additionally, the statement that God will "inherit all the nations" is echoed in the Great Commission, where Jesus sends His disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

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Psalm 82 vividly presents God's judgment on unjust rulers, emphasizing the expectation for justice, especially for the weak and marginalized. This call for righteousness and justice aligns with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, who consistently advocated for the marginalized and demonstrated perfect justice and righteousness.

The depiction of unjust rulers as walking in darkness resonates with Jesus' teachings on spiritual blindness and His role as the Light of the world, guiding people into truth. The final plea for God's intervention reveals the hope in God's righteous judgment, which is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, given authority to judge as the Son of Man.

Finally, the Psalm's assertion that God will inherit all nations anticipates the Great Commission, where Jesus calls for making disciples of all nations. In this way, Psalm 82 calls us to yearn for and work towards a world that mirrors the perfect justice of God's kingdom, fulfilled and exemplified in Jesus Christ.